There are so many wonderful things to emphasize during the Christmas season. The wise men with their royal gifts, the appearance of angels announcing Christ’s birth to the shepherd’s, Elizabeth’s conception with John the Baptist at an elderly age, a carpenter engaged to a virgin, and etc. One of the joys of Christmas is being reminded of God’s miraculous power. God can do anything, and that truth brings the gift of comfort that lasts year round. Are we missing the greatest joy in the busyness of celebrating so many joyous events, however?
Mary’s miraculous virgin conception/birth often steals away all the attention at Christmas time, and understandably so. Once in all ages a virgin usurps the man and has a baby. It is very big news. Mary often gets attention to the point of being prayed to and worshipped however. Mary was only a tool in God’s hands. Jesus being born of a virgin was God’s way of confirming the most important miracle that Immanuel (Mat. 1:23) had been born into the world. God was with us in a way never experienced by humankind.
John 1:10-11 is a very sad commentary.
- He was in the world, and the world was made
through Him, and the world did not know Him.
- He came to His own,
and His own did not receive Him. (nkjv)
Please do not forget the greatest Christmas miracle while celebrating all the joys of Christmas. God came to be with us, so that He could make it possible for us to be with Him forever.
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