Visit our church at 5995 Green Pond Church Rd. Polk City Florida. 33868
Sunday Service Times
StudyLIFE Groups (Sunday School) - 9:30 AM
WorshipLIFE (Sunday Morning Worship) - 10:30 AM
DiscipleLIFE (Evangelism Class) - 5:00 PM
Weekday Services
LadyLIFE - "Strong Sisters Fellowship"
1st Monday of the Month - 6:30 PM
LadyLIFE - "Study Buddies" Ladies Bible Study - 10:00 AM
MenLIFE - Men's Meat(ing) - Once a quarter - 6:30 PM (Dates TBA)
GroupLIFE - 6:30 PM -7:30 PM
YouthLIFE - Students 7th Grade to 12th Grade
YoungLIFE - Students PreK - 6th Grade
TinyLIFE - Children 0 to 3
PrayerLIFE - Adults (Prayer Meeting/Bible Study)
MenLIFE Breakfast Bible Study Meeting - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM