Expressing puppy love for a sweetheart was very difficult as a child. Whether or not the love was expressed hinged on determining whether the one loved actually loved in return. Often the very high-tech super scientific method of picking petals from a flower while chanting, “(s)he loves me, (s)he loves me not,” was put into play. This technique was only accurate to a 50% chance, however. Therefore, the child just had to be vulnerable and take a chance on the pain and embarrassment that accompanies rejection.
Christians can rest assured that the object of our love, God, will always love in return unconditionally. This devotional time would be a great time to reflect on all that God has done through the Lord Jesus Christ to communicate the undeniable message that He loves us with the unconditional agape love that results in peace and comfort in a relationship with God.
Remember the cross, remember while we were sinners He died for us, remember the parable of leaving 99 safe sheep for the one lost sheep, and remember the friend who sticks closer than a brother. O.K., you get the point. Just reflect on the 66-book love letter called the Bible, and remember that He loves us eternally.
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